
Meditative Healing Program

   Koolitus / Teacher Training   



24 October 2020 - 28 March 2021     
Meditatiivne Tervendamine, tase 1

Teacher: Jivan Mukta Singh



*** IN ENGLISH ***
Meditative Healing™ is a method within the field of complementary therapies. It is the outcome of the meeting of ancient transformative meditations, the energetic elevation of Bhakti Yoga and the modern expertise of deep psychology. Meditative Healing™ is to generate health, healing and the natural body-mind state of balance. It harmonizes the dynamic relationship between subtle dimensions and the tangible world.

The Meditative Healing Program™ is an original and traditional approach to healing. It is based on the teachings as well as methods taught by Yogi Bhajan, PhD, the keys of ayurvedic approach and the western explorations on the deep psychology and mental health. The International Meditative Healing Program™ is a comprehensive study to immerse in the journey to activate your natural healing abilities to improve your holistic well-being and health. The students of Meditative Healing™ will learn through experience to systematically identify a few key generic states of mind that are at work at the core of all healing as well as the power of the mind's spiritual projection and prayer. This solid alternative approach to health has provided healing and positive changes in the lives of many people and many more need a consistent education in this field.

Meditative Healing™ is a tool that has progressively gained consistency over centuries or even thousands of years. It stems from within a tradition of exploration and discovery initiated in the Indian subcontinent. The first expressions of it can be traced back to the Ayurvedic medicine and oral tradition reaching back as far as 5000 BC. Among rich notions about awareness, holistic health and the quest for well-being as an ongoing and integrated endeavor for every human; Ayurveda has taught harmony with the nature, the organic roots of life. It has kept the view that physical and psychological diseases are usually mixed and one seldom happens without the other.

"Meditative Healing is by definition a human capacity that depends a natural effort that is achieved trough systematic meditation and the natural devotion that exists in every heart" - Jivan Mukta

English (translation to Estonian, other languages on request)

Meditative Healing Program time schedule, grade 1:
27.02.2021 *

* Practicum day

Course fees
Course fee total is 1060EUR (all course materials, royalties and course services are included in these prices) if payed in one instalment).

This includes registration fee 80EUR and it is non-refundable. Registration fee is to be paid right after registration (an invoice is sent by email after registration at the REGISTRATION FORM down below.

All fees for the Module is to be paid during the Training Module

Organiser contact: Prabhudeep Kaur
mail: yoga@prabhudeep.com
phone: +372 5067599

Read more:




27. oktoober 2018 - 17 märts 2019     Meditatiivne Tervendamine, tase 1


Meditative Healing™ on osa põhjalikust joogapärandist, mis hõlmab endas meie mitmemõõtmelise inimloomuse struktuuri. Läbi selle taotluse ühendume me oma tervise juurtega ja orgaaniliste tervendavate jõududega. See on kasulik tööriist aitamaks lahendada erinevaid terviseprobleeme tänapäeva inimestel.

The Meditative Healing Program™on simultaanselt moderne ja traditsiooniline lä;henemine tervisele ja tervendamisele. See on meditatiivne, teoreetiline ja enesetunnetuslik õpetus, mis põhineb Joogi Bhajani õpetustel ja metoodikal, ajurveedaliku õpetuse tuumal ja peamisel Läänelikul teadusel psühho-emotsionaalsest tervisest.

Meditative Healing™ on alternatiivteraapiate valdkonda jääv meetod ning see ei vastandu ega võistle tavameditsiini ega -ravimeetoditega. Meditative Healing™ ei tunne ilmtingimata funktsionaalset anatoomiat ja rakkude vastastikust keemilist mõju nagu seda teab meditsiiniarst. Seevastu tavaliselt arste ei õpetata teadma, milline mõju on segamatul teadlikkusel või kui olulise väärtusega on Sügava Lõdvestuse Platvorm tervenemise protsessis. Need kaks inimese tervisega tegelevat valdkonda ei välista ega tohikski välistada teineteist, vaid pigem täiendavad ja toetavad tervenemise esile kutsumist. Seega on tervenemine kestev protsess, mis kergendab, põhjustab, taastab või tekitab keha (või selle osa), meele ja nende dü;naamilise suhte maailmaga, loomuliku tervisliku seisundi.

"Meditatiivne tervendamine on definitsiooni järgi inimese võime, mis nõuab loomulikku pingutust ja on saavutatav läbi süstemaatilise meditatsiooni ja loomuliku pühendumise, mis eksisteerib meie kõigi südames" - Jivan Mukta

Kursus toimub inglise keeles (tõlge eesti keelde, teised keeled soovi korral)

Meditatiivne Tervendamise Programmi ajakava, tase 1:

27.02.2021 *

* Praktikumi päev

Kursuse tasu
Kursuse tasu kokku on 1060EUR, sellest registreerimise tasu on 80EUR ning see ei kuulu tagastamisele loobumise korral.

Registreerimistasu tuleb tasuda peale REGISTREERIMIST alloleva vormi kaudu.

Loe siit MHP õppekava kohta.

Korraldaja kontakt: Prabhudeep Kaur
epost: yoga@prabhudeep.com
telefon: +372 5067599

Rohkem infot:



Jivan Mukta, PhD

Jivan Mukta on sündinud Tsiilis. Ta on sertifitseeritud kundalini jooga juhtivõpetaja, pioneer õpetaja ja meditatiivne tervendaja Soomes.

Jivan Mukta on koolitanud kundalini jooga õpetajaid Soomes juba üle kümne põlvkonna. Ta on Soome Kundalini Jooga Õpetajate Ühingu kaasasutaja aastal 2006.

Ta on pühendunud tervendaja ja Meditatiivse Tervendamise Programmi looja. Selle õpetuse alusel toimuvad praegu kursused Soomes, Eestis, Hispaanias ja Norras.

Hariduselt on ta ka poliitika teadlane ja ajaloolane omades doktori kraadi võrdlevas religiooniteaduses. Ta on publitseerinud arvukalt artikleid vaimsuse, jooga ja tervendamise teemadel.

Õpetajana reisib ta maailmas teenides vaimset teadlikkust ja tervendades inimesi. Viimastel aastatel on ta osalenud ka erinevates projektides õpetades joogat ja vaimset elustiili meestele. Ta on abielus ja 2 lapse isa.
Tema õpetajaks on Yogi Bhajan.




Jivan Mukta PhD. was born in Chile. He is a Lead Trainer of Kundalini Yoga and a traveling teacher, trainer and counselor. In the earlier moments of his journey he spontaneously experienced transformative events that stimulated his path to provide healing. In 2005 he was inspired by Yogi Bhajan to do this type of service "out of love", a key ingredient of all healing work and spiritual guidance. In 2012 Jivan Mukta designed and launched "Meditative Healing Program™" that is accredited by IKYTA, the International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association. This program has already served the destinies of students of healing in over five countries in Europe in the last years. Jivan Mukta is also trained as a Political Scientist and Historian in his home country, as well as a Doctor in Study of Religions in the University of Helsinki. He has also published several articles on spirituality, yoga and healing. He is married and a father of two children and from 2011 he has been part of several projects to teach Kundalini Yoga & spiritual living for men. In 2015 he developed the education Total Man Training™ also accredited by IKYTA and first launched in China and Estonia.



Koolitus toimub Valguspere kodus, kaunis Hatu mõisas,
55km kaugusel Tallinnast.


The course will be held in the home of Valguspere in Hatu Manor, Estonia.
It's about 55 kms from the International Airport of Tallinn.
For transportation from the Airport to the Venue, please contact the organiser.

Address: Hatu Manor, Hatu, 76013 Lääne-Harju vald, Estonia



Korraldaja: Valguspere.    Registreerimiseks vajuta 'START'

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